Thursday, May 26, 2016

What does a Farm, Fox, and Car have in common.. they share this blog post. ☺

Welcome ~Thank you for stopping by my blog.

I've been working on a few cards, but just didn't get a chance to post them here on my blog.  So I chose to post all 3 for the day.  
It has been so nice outside I've been able to sit out and enjoy the sun, and watch the crazy little critters in the yard.  We have baby squirrels now and they are just the funniest little ones to watch.  Scrambling all over the tree, up and down to their nest.


Would you please take the time to look around my blog and let me know what your favorite card is.  I would like to enter a contest.  I can submit 3 cards of what I think is the best of my abilities, and I would sure appreciate your help.  Please let me know in the comment section below.  Thank you ☺
Also if you have any questions about my cards or such please also add that in the comments section as well.
Stop back again soon.
☺Keep Smiling and Keep Stamping☺


  1. Three lovely cards today PJ. I particularly like the first. What a lovely scene you've made. Barbxx

    1. Thank you Barb, for letting me know which you like best and for the kind words.

  2. I've enjoyed being outside of late as well! Lots of gardening, landscaping, weed pulling going on here!
    Cute cards -- my favorite is the one with the little fox!

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment on the fox card. Gosh weeds sure do pop up quickly.. a person gets to one end of the garden just to start all over again, but I'd rather do that then deal with snow. Actually since my injuries I haven't been much of a helper in our yard, at least not like I use to. Miss those days.

  3. I only went back to Dec. 27 and here is a list of my favorites since then
    12-27-15 Christmas Thank You
    1-8-16 Oriental Doors
    1-21-16 Love Jar
    2-6-16 Flowers in a Jar
    3-1-16 Sparkle
    3-28-16 The Butterfly and Washi
    4-6-16 Let's Go Shopping
    5-12-16 Box Card
    I could not only give you 3 but I hope this helps you narrow it down. Good luck!!!☺

    1. Oh Kristine, How super kind of you to track back to Dec. 27th to pick a few cards. I'm so grateful to you for doing that. Thank you so much it will indeed help me narrow it down. Thank you☺

  4. These cards are so cute - and I love the fox! As far as my favorites - I really liked the Teacher's Appreciation (loved the buttons), your Box Card and your Rainbow Flower Power card! Hope this helps and good luck!

    1. Thank you so much for your opinion, that is so sweet ☺ I really have a hard time with decisions.


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment, I read each one and appreciate your kind words~ ♥ May your day be filled with all good things ♥~