Still trying to get back into the stamping groove after quite the past week. I'm also trying to figure out what kind of wedding card to make for my daughter. Any ideas? Plus I have to finish the wedding favors this week. So much to do before Saturday and I'm running on empty.
I came across this challenge at:
I had so many ideas, and then poof. All GONE. I couldn't think of a thing. BUT, I came across this checkered print paper and wanted to use it, and for some reason it just said "baby" to my creative side. So I put together this pepto-bismol pink card. I'm not a big fan of pink but I guess it works well.
I wish you could all see outside right now. The wind is howling and the the snow is blowing and swirling about. It sure is pretty. Just don't want to deal with it though. But bless our daughter's heart she does want a snowy Wedding, and by golly I do believe she will have it.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Keep Smiling and Keep Stamping