Friday, November 5, 2021

Sketch #445~For all things, Birds of a Feather, Stampin up, Happy Thanksgiving

I made this card for the challenge at:
The stamp sets featured in this card are:
Stampin Up:  For All things
Stampin Up:  Birds of a feather.
the inside sentiment is  a single stamp that has 
no name.  I don't even remember where I purchased it. 
I just think that little turkey is adorable.   That apron,
and pie make it perfect.  I mean seriously why 
go for turkey when you can have pie.. haha  
Even though I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin pie, 
it is a must to at least serve it as an option.  I always 
have a sliver of it with whipped topping of course.  I also 
try to make pumpkin bars  with cream cheese frosting.  
That gold ribbon blends in so much in the picture, 
that I hardly notice it. 
I really can't believe that Thanksgiving is right
around the corner.  I've decided time goes faster 
the older ya get, and after Sept. 30th, it seems like
boom it's thanksgiving.  It just seems to move that fast.
I am happy to say in the words of my kiddos.
"we have secured a turkey"  Thank you Jesus.  
I don't know about ya all, but in our little town, 
the grocery stores and even walmart look like the day 
after Christmas, they can't seem to keep the shelves stocked.
I'm so grateful my husband does all our shopping.
I just can't do it myself anymore. He is such a helper. 
Monday is appointment day with a doctor that is not 
nice.  But i'm going to try and be firm, and praying
there will be help.   So frustrated and my anxiety is 
through the roof.  I pray that God gives me guidance
and wisdom on what to do and calm my anxious heart.
I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record.  
I sure do appreciate the prayers and encouragement 
from you all.  
Here is a picture of my little buddy.  HP
he rests next to me on the bed and keeps me company.
The past couple days I worked so hard to 
add new cards and retired stamps to my etsy shop.

I'd love to have you follow me on instagram at: 

 Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Keep Smiling and Keep Stamping

* Please stop in at my Etsy shop.  
 You might just find a stamp or
 stamp set you NEED to purchase.
  Perhaps even a card.  
I know I'd greatly appreciate the sales. 
 So make sure to check it out. 😊



  1. Great coloring on the turkey! Love the sentiment. I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie either PJ! Pecan is my fav!
    Thanks for sharing your cute card with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.
    Patty S, Design Team

  2. What a cute card - love your turkey! I agree that time goes bye so fast - my daughter got a ham with her points at the food store as cooking a turkey is not for me anymore. I made get a turkey breast though. Prayers tha everything goes well on Monday!

  3. Great job with the sketch and with that cute turkey image! I love it, so glad you joined us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week, you do such nice work!

  4. As always PJ, the card is so cute. I love your choice of patterned paper and that turkey is so festive. Please feel free to invite me over for Thanksgiving--I love pumpkin pie but only eat it now, so I am so excited! I hope that things go well for you tomorrow.
    Thanks for joining us at the Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge again this week!
    Anna, Design Team

  5. Such a sweet card, love your turkey image! I too live in a small town and bare shelves are becoming the norm. Thanks for playing with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge!

  6. Fabulous card--inside and out! That turkey is really cute! Thanks for sharing your talent with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge once again.
    :) Marie

  7. That Turkey is great, so cute! Fabulous and fun card! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment, I read each one and appreciate your kind words~ ♥ May your day be filled with all good things ♥~