Well I've been trying to clean. Last night we paid the contractor and he is gone, however, we have so much work to do and I just can't seem to get it all done like I had expected. My head is just not ever going to get use to my new reality of being limited in moving. I guess that in itself is a disability. Any ways we cut our losses last night and will finish the trim around the baseboard, the basement windows, and fix the damages to the wall, and the duct work. It is just a very nice feeling to not have to stress about that man anymore. It was an awful experience.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I love the embossed snowy background and that adorable little slug bug with the Christmas tree tied on top.
I also added a picture of my butter brush. On Thanksgiving I was carting many things to my daughter's home and ours. So we thought we lost Mr. Butter Brush, but nope he was spending the night at my Daughter and Son-in-law's home. So I put some google eyes on him and snapped this picture to say how happy he was to be home. Silly I know, but hey.. it's the little things.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Keep Smiling and Keep Stamping