Hello Friends. It's 8:30pm as I type my blog
this fine evening. I think to myself, why do
I insist on writing blogs at night? I'm clearly
not in my best element with the thinking in
the evening hours. But atlas here I am writing.
I've got a lot on my mind. I just can't seem
to process it all. Having difficulties with
my Bible study, cleaning my home has
not been going well, the stress of my
upcoming doctor appointment. Finally it is almost here.
and then of course all the hype from the evening news.
YIKES. Just in high stress mode here.
Well when I'm at the end of my rope, I like to
especially make Christmas cards. They just make
me happy and put me in a good mood. Usually.
I'm going submit this card to the challenge at:
The stamp sets featured in this card are:
Stampin Up: Penguin Place
Stampin Up: Holly Jolly Wishes
Stampin Up: Textures & Frames
I think those little penguins are adorable.
little twins with matching hats and scarves.
I wonder if it is scarfs or scarves?
You pick which you like best, and pretend
I typed that.
I love how those three embellishments,
look like glittering snowballs.
I hope this don't gross anyone out. But
since I'm going to the doctor this Thursday
I thought I'd share a couple pictures of my hands.
Hopefully we will be discussing what can
help me with my raynauds. It's out of control
lately. And moving into my feet now too.
Please will you be willing to pray for my
appointment this Thursday. That this new
doctor will be a God's blessing and help me.
So I can try to get back to a somewhat normal
life again with mobility and less pain.
Thank you so muchly. 💜
A few pictures of our side yard. This
tree above has died because of the
beautiful black walnut tree. The
wood peckers love it now. We will
be taking it down next month.
This is the view from under the black walnut tree.
See all those lovely pines towards the front of the yard?
And that Lovely Autumn Ash?
This is one of the little pines. I think that
it is on it's way out. The roots of the black
walnut tree are far reaching. We thought we'd
be in the clear, but it's not looking to good.
This my friends is the black walnut.
It's a grand old tree. Big and beautiful. Massive
in size, but it does not play well with other trees, and
shrubs, let alone flowers and such. However, it is a
glorious shade tree, that looks tropical. (which I love)
and the squirrel love the black walnuts, which also
makes me happy too.
Do you have a black walnut tree?
I honestly didn't know a thing about them until we
moved here. Then I had to get some education on
what to plant and not plant around them.
Well I'm a bit long winded tonight. My sweetheart
is washing out some paint brushes and so I'm a bit
chatty here. I better wrap this up.
Thank you again for your prayers for my upcoming
doctor visit. I will let ya know how it goes.
I started going through some of my stamps again. I have a
collection of stamps and stamp sets I will be adding to
my etsy. I truly want to get it done this week.
I'd love to have you follow me on instagram at:
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Keep Smiling and Keep Stamping
You might just find a stamp or
stamp set you NEED to purchase.
Perhaps even a card.
I know I'd greatly appreciate the sales.
So make sure to check it out. 😊